QRS Polska -Outsourcing,kontrola jakości,selekcja i naprawa
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We offer a comprehensive CONTAINMENT service in our warehouses consisting in

checking parts delivered directly by the supplier.


We provide complete service:


unloading and accepting parts for storage,

performing quality control or repair,

possible sub-assembly of components,parts storage,

delivery of parts to the final customer in a timely and quantity-just in timereplacement of defective parts and returning them to the supplier or disposal.


We provide a guarantee of the quality of parts checked by QRS.


We minimize your costs of controlling and storing parts.


10 September 2019




We offer a comprehensive CONTAINMENT service in our warehouses consisting in checking parts delivered directly by the supplier.


We provide complete service:


unloading and accepting parts for storage,
performing quality control or repair, possible sub-assembly of components,
parts storage,
delivery of parts to the final customer in a timely and quantity-just in time
replacement of defective parts and returning them to the supplier or disposal.


We provide a guarantee of the quality of parts checked by QRS.


We minimize your costs of controlling and storing parts.

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